£ 1000.00 Nanny/Au Pair Wanted in London

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Oferte Joburi in UK Publicat la: 03/03/2015 Nr anunț: 1794
  • Țara: United Kingdom
  • Județ: London
  • Oraș: Kensington y Chelsea

My name is lattifa, i am a singe mum of children, a boy of almost , and a girl of , i work full time, and am really looking for child care for my daughter, as my son is of an age where he does not need as much supervision. both well behaved children, and very intelligent. as a single mum its very hard to work full time, and makes sure that my children have a good and happy place to be after school, and juggle house work and shopping ect. we are a very close family , i am looking for someone who has experience with children and can be very reliable, friendly loving, to pick up my daughter after school and stay home with her , or do a local activity if weather permits, cooking skills would be essential too, as i finish work at pm, and arrive home at pm, a meal for both children, at around pm. i am willing to negotiate a payment structure, we just need a a friendly honest and reliable extra member to our loving little family.

Please apply for this job at https://www.babysitter-agency.com/family/8004

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